Obama: ‘To realize the promise of the UN, the US must give up freedoms’
Obama in his final address to the United Nations.
Obama in his final address to the United Nations.
A lawsuit was filed in 2011 by Nevada resident S. Rowan Wilson after she tried to purchase a gun for self-defense and was denied based on a federal ban on the sale of guns to users of illegal drugs. Though marijuana has been legalized in some places on a state-by-state basis, it remains illegal under …
Real Journalist Stumps CNN’s Brian Stelter on Questioning US Intelligence Read More »
Bombshell numbers out of Fulton County, Georgia show that a vast amount of the provisional ballots submitted in the Democrat stronghold were rejected for being duplicate ballots. Now, the Democrat Stacey Abrams campaign is pushing on Fulton County, running an entire campaign-style operation with phone banking, texts and email blasts to reach out to people …
When thinking about the mass extermination camps of a holocaust’, think… The key to freedom is to be able to have the ability to defend yourself and if you don’t have the tools to do that, then you’re going to be at the mercy of whomever wants to put you away. Guns are deeply rooted …
Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World Read More »
Today on CNN, Brooke Baldwin tried to play the race card with NFL legend Jim Brown by trying to bait him on the lack of “diversity” in Trump’s cabinet picks. “When you look at the pictures of this cabinet here, Jim, do you see? You have the majority — white men in Mr. Trump’s cabinet,” …
CNN Anchor Playing the Race Card on Trump is STUNNED by NFL Legend’s EPIC Response Read More »
This is absolutely tragic. Police officers in Anne Arundel County, Maryland arrived at a man’s home to confiscate his guns under the state’s Red Flag law. When he answered the door holding a gun, a fight ensued and they shot him dead. For months, we have been warning you about the so-called “red flag” bills …
Breaking: First Gun Confiscation Killing Reported in Maryland Read More »